Sunday, March 20, 2011


Janet Chester Bly

You can counterfeit peace. A false peace. Such as what comes in bottles. Or other altered states of mind, body, spirit. Or when you risk your life on iffy information...from suspect or amateur advisors.

You’ll suffer a rugged siege of finding peace, if you don’t know true peace when you have it.

Peace is not the absence of conflict. Nor freedom from stress.

Hurricane Frances
Peace is alert calm when the alarm bells ring. It’s steady perseverance in the smack center of chaos. You recognize you’ve been through stuff like this before. You can determine not to melt down. You know you’ll survive. Somehow. And you know who is in ultimate control.

Janet: Trust Me. Jesus
I’ve got a plaque on my office wall: “Janet, Trust Me. I have everything under control. ~~ Jesus.” I read it every day. I believe it. But that doesn't mean I don't want to go scream in a deep canyon on occasion due to overwhelm or frustration. It means I come back to Jesus as my center.

What’s a perfect day for you? Make a list. Just for fun.

Here’s what it would look like for me . . .
Writing at the computer for hours with no interruptions. No emergency breakdowns. No commode backing up to flood the basement.

Plus, every idea, every scene on the screen, a zinger that captivates, that refreshes, with all new slants.

Steve golfing in desert
But most of all, it would be a perfect day if my hubby was strong and well and able to do the things he loves best. . .with a good lab report.

But perfect conditions don’t guarantee personal peace.
However, Jesus does.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27


God warns about Faux Peace: Check out verses like Ezekiel 13:10

When’s a time you’ve had true peace when there was every outward indication that you should not?


Get a free download of the whole article: “31 Ways To Win The Fight For Personal Peace” at our website:


God Is Good All The Time
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csthankful said...

I really love this one, because we do know our peace comes from our loving Heavenly Father. When everything around us is falling apart, He is here. When the sun is shining or the snow is falling, He is here. When we have more questions than answers, He is here. So no matter what, He will lead us through the storm into the calm that He is. Hallelujah! Hugs, Connie Sue

Janet Bly said...

Dear CS: Love your comments. Beautifully stated. Thanks!