Monday, December 26, 2011

LA BELLE CHRISTIANE, a novel by Lyn Cote

La Belle Christiane
Can the beautiful daughter of a French courtesan find a love that lasts for a lifetime?
In the early 1770's, Christiane Pelletier, an extraordinarily beautiful young woman, is next in a line of courtesans who have been favorites at the French court during the reigns of two monarchs. Yet she longs to be the beloved wife of one man, not a lovely piece of human art passed from one noble to another. And the winds of change are sweeping Europe. 

After her mother's violent murder, Christiane flees France with her renegade father. In the Canadian wilderness, she survives the shock of leaving a life of wealth and privilege. To escape frontier violence, she moves southward only to become involved in the burgeoning American Revolution. Daughter of a French courtesan to frontier wife to companion of Lady Washington, Christiane moves into the heart of the American rebel elite. But one man in her life can never be forgotten. Once he was her friend. Now he has become her enemy. Will he become her destiny? Only God knows.

First page excerpt

Chapter One

British Canada, July 1774

Monday, December 19, 2011


Stephen Bly

Emmanuel: “God with us”

What does that mean?

It signifies that . . .

 1) God is not against you (Romans 8:31 ff).

 2) You are never alone (Matthew 28:20, Hebrews 13:5).

 3) You’d better toe the line (John 14:20, Ephesians 4:30).
 4) You have instant, available help (John 15:16).

 5) You are not the one in charge (Philippians 2:13).

 6) You cannot chase him away (John 15).

 7) There is someone more important than you to consider (Luke 22:42).

 8) You are where the action is (Matthew 1:18-25).

 9) He is close during tough times (Acts 7:55).

10) Everything in your life will turn out okay (Revelation 21:4).

What special marvel about the Christmas story do you contemplate this year?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

MISTLETOE MAYHEM, Christmas novella by Jill Elizabeth Nelson

Season of Danger Anthology
Mistletoe Mayhem

by Jill Elizabeth Nelson

Novella in Season of Danger anthology

Love Inspired Romantic Suspense

A romance-shy veterinarian and a widowed health inspector hunt the killer who used mistletoe extract to poison pets and people in a Tennessee mountain town.

After being jilted by her fiancé, Kelly Granger buries her broken heart in her work as a veterinarian in her home town of Abbottsville, Tennessee, located in the Great Smoky Mountains. She and her assistant, Tim Hallock, battle to save community pets from a violent and mysterious illness. Is this sickness a danger to humans? Her question is answered when state health inspector Matt Bennett is sent to investigate local eating establishments, including Kelly’s sister’s restaurant, for the cause of poisoning among the patrons. Kelly refuses to believe that her sister served toxic mistletoe extract to her customers—yet mounting evidence points in that direction. Kelly puts herself in harm’s way, facing down a vicious dog and even more vicious people, to uncover a common denominator between the human and animal illnesses. Matt has his hands full keeping up with her, as well as proving himself worthy of her trust—and hopefully, her love. Unless she has her heart set on her veterinary assistant, Tim Hallock. The question won’t matter if his investigation sends Kelly’s sister to jail. She’ll never have anything to do with him then. They need to uncover the truth. But will the answer cost them more than their romance? Will it cost them their lives?

Available at fine bookstores everywhere, plus outlets at Walmart and Target, as well as on-line bookstores.

For more information and a chance to win a signed copy of the book, drop by”target=”new”>


Jill Elizabeth Nelson

Jill Elizabeth Nelson is an award-winning author of mystery and suspense. She writes what she likes to read—tales of adventure seasoned with romance, humor, and faith. Jill speaks regularly at conferences, writer’s groups, library associations, and civic and church groups. When teaching classes for writers, she delights in bringing the “Ahah! moment” to her students, so they can make a new skill their own. Jill and her husband live in rural Minnesota where they raised four children and are currently enjoying their grandchildren. Visit Jill on the web at: or look her up on Facebook or Twitter:  

Merry and Blessed Christmas to All!

Jill Elizabeth Nelson



Thursday, December 15, 2011

SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT, Christmas novella by Hannah Alexander

Season of Danger Anthology
Silent Night, Deadly Night
novella by Hannah Alexander
included in Season of Danger anthology 
by Love Inspired Suspense

After the murder of Tess Vance's fiance, Tess leaves her career as a musical talent agent and retreats home to her brother's rescue mission for the homeless in Corpus Christi, Texas. She finds solace helping others, and peace with ex-cop Sean Torrance, who has also endured great pain over the past year. Just as they begin to think life will settle for them, and their friendship will deepen into something more lasting, Tess finds herself the subject of a stalking, and the stalker hurts her by hurting and killing those she loves, including the homeless.

All of Sean's protective instincts rise to the top when the woman he has grown to love finds herself in danger once again. He'll do whatever it takes to protect her and the others he works with at the mission. As the owner and manager of one of the top radio stations in the region, he finds a way to stop the attacks, but it will mean betraying her trust. Can their relationship withstand the conflict?

Amazon link for the book is:

Hannah Alexander
Hannah Alexander is the pen name for the writing collaboration of Cheryl and Mel Hodde. They chose the name "Hannah Alexander" to incorporate their two names into one. They have read that Hannah means "her hope is in the Lord," and Alexander means, "servant of mankind." Mel and Cheryl live in the Missouri Ozarks, where they like to set the majority of their books.

Hannah Alexander website

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

HIS HOLIDAY FAMILY, a Christmas novel by Margaret Daley

His Holiday Family

Blurb for His Holiday Family by Margaret Daley:
When Hurricane Naomi tears through a small Mississippi town, a daring rescue unites two heroes. Nurse Kathleen Hart is a single mom racked by guilt over her husband's death. Firefighter Gideon O'Brien—orphaned as a young boy—has lost too many people he cared for. To rise above the storm's devastation, Gideon helps Kathleen and her sons rebuild their home. As Christmas approaches, they discover that even the strongest of storms can't destroy a romance built on the foundation of faith.

Author Margaret Daley says: “When I decided to write a series about a town that goes through a hurricane, I wanted to give tribute to all the people who have gone through a disaster and rebuilt their lives. This series was written for the heroes and heroines who help others in a time of disaster.”

Margaret Daley
Margaret Daley is an award winning, multi-published author in the romance genre. She has sold seventy-five books to date.
Until she retired a few years ago, she was a teacher of students with special needs for twenty-seven years and volunteered with Special Olympics as a coach. She currently is on the Outreach committee at her church, working on several projects in her community as well as serving on her church’s vestry.
She has been married for over forty years to Mike and has one son and four granddaughters. She treasures her time with her family and friends.

Excerpt from His Holiday Family:

Thursday, November 17, 2011


By Stephen Bly

Some folks think of a gold mine as a deep cave lined with waves of 24-carat jewels. All they need is a crow bar to pry the treasures into big chunks. Then take their haul to the jeweler.

Doesn’t happen that way.

Fool's Gold
Most mines look like big dirt canyons. The gold’s so fine it can only be recovered by very pressurized, modern equipment. High prices and advanced technology combine to dig  out gold in places that in other eras would be considered worthless.

However, on occasion gold does litter some mine shafts.

Every so often a miner blasts into the center of a room-sized geode and he’s able to sack up almost pure gold by the shovels-full. Real high-grade stuff like that is rare to find. And near impossible to prevent theft. Valuable ore in chunks may line coat pockets and lunch pails. In fact, the term ‘high-grade’ evolved because of the rampant stealing of small particles of good ore by mine workers.

Not many of us work gold mines today. And everyone’s different in the temptations that harass him or her. But we all find ourselves in places where we have access to someone else’s goods. Whenever valuables of any sort are taken from an original owner for another’s own personal use, that’s high-grading. 

Did you used to make ends meet by stealing?
Well, no more! Get an honest job
so that you can help others who can’t work.
Ephesians 4:28 MSG

In our sloppy ethics society, refusal to steal means a moral upgrade, a God honoring pursuit.

Stephen Bly
Have you ever gone searching for gold? Any luck?

COMING MARCH 2012: Stuart Brannon's Final Shot
It's 1905. A lawman comes out of retirement to search for a missing U.S. Marshal friend and grapples with the game of golf on behalf of a celebrity tournament. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Jan & Janet
by Janet Chester Bly
Copyright 2008

A counselor once told a friend of mine, “You’ve never really had a childhood. You need to play more.”

So the two of us pulled off our shoes and tiptoed barefoot in a park fountain.
We did an overnighter in sleeping bags on an outdoor deck.
We painted pictures with our fingers.
We caught butterflies in a jar. We threw popcorn at critters.
Then, for a finale, we rolled down a gentle hill in my front yard.
A neighbor asked us what was going on. When we explained, she said, “I’ve got a friend who needs that too. I think I'll go help her.”

When is the last time you’ve done something playful?

It doesn’t take much time or expense to dance in a meadow. To walk in dawn’s light. Or make forms in mud or sand.

Plant a flower or herb garden in a window sill.
Get out the old instrument you used to play.
Watch the different ways flocks of birds fly.
Create a new recipe from ingredients in your cupboard.
Look out your window long enough to see something new.
Find humor in your mistakes and stresses.
Get close to a funny person.

“A cheerful heart does good like medicine” Proverbs 17:22 TLB

What sorts of activities do you enjoy that could be considered ‘playtime?’

Download the full article: “31 Ways To Win The Fight For Personal Peace” at

Friday, November 11, 2011


Small Town Christmas
Love Inspired Duet - November 2011
Mini-Matchmakers and
An Old Fashion Christmas

When the new second grade teacher, Amy Carroll, meets the precocious twin sisters, she knows she has her hands full. When she learns they live on the street where she stays with her grandmother and they have a single father who is handsome and needs help, Amy’s hands are beyond full. 

But Amy’s from Chicago. Falling in love with a small town man is not part of her plan. Can God waylay Amy’s desire to return to the big city? Can Mike Russett open his heart to love?
"Martin’s story contains strong characters and touching scenes" - Romantic Times
Gail Gaymer Martin
Multi-award-winning novelist, Gail Gaymer Martin writes Christian fiction for Love Inspired and Barbour Publishing, where she was honored by Heartsong readers as their Favorite Author of 2008. Gail has forty-nine contracted novels with over three million books in print. 
She is the author of Writers Digest’s Writing the Christian Romance, co-founder of American Christian Fiction Writers, a keynote speaker at churches, libraries and civic organizations  and presents workshops at conference across the US. 
She was recently named one of the four best novelists in the Detroit area by CBS local news.

Available in all stores where books are sold

Excerpt Chapter 1

“Mrs. Fredericks.” The office secretary leaned into the room. “Mr. Russet is here to see you.”
“The twins father.” A heavy sigh whisked the air. “Ask him to wait a moment.”

Amy took another step toward the door. No doubt the sigh signaled trouble.
“Please wait a moment, Miss Carroll. “The twins will be in your class. It might help you to meet the girls. They have a propensity for getting into trouble.” She motioned. “They’re right across the hall in the cafeteria. It’ll give you a heads-up for Monday.”
Trouble. Amy swallowed. “I suppose that would be. . .practical.”
“Yes, and you’ll keep an eye on them while I talk with their father.” She chuckled and motioned her to follow.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


By Stephen Bly 

Thin population made the Old West an easy place to hide, for any who wanted to. And many did. They came West to run from some past event or somebody.

A slew of terms sprang up to describe such folks. How many of these have you heard before?

They were said to be ‘among the willows,’ ‘brushing up,’ GTT - ‘gone to Texas,’ ‘hankerin’ to sniff Gulf breeze,’ ‘heading for the settin’ sun,’ ‘holed up,’ ‘on the dodge,’ ‘pulling for the Rio Grande,’ ‘taking to the tules,’ ‘traveling the lonesome places,’ or ‘watering his horse at night,’ ‘riding the coulees … or the high lines … or the owl-hoot trail.’
It’s natural to avoid your mistakes, to run from ruin, to hunker down from humiliation. Only the truly courageous man or woman of character faces up to the consequences of their actions.

It started with Adam and Eve.

After they disobeyed God’s one command, they “hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden” (Genesis 3:8 NIV). But God found them.

Pretty funny to think that the only two humans on earth think they could squat behind a plum tree and not be noticed by God.

Even with the billions on the planet now, He always finds those who try to cover up: “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?” (Psalm 139:7 NIV)

Ignore the Bible. Skip church. Flip away from Christian channels. Avoid Christian friends. But you can’t escape your heavenly Father. About as silly as a mammoth hunkering behind an aspen.

So, when you’re ready, jump out and say, “Here I am!” He’ll set you free. You’ll be sane again. And you won’t have to spend so much time and energy spiritually taking to the tules or watering your horse at night. . .or riding the owl-hoot trail.


When are the times you most want to hide-away somewhere?


Stuart Brannon's Final Shot, by Stephen Bly, with Janet Chester Bly, Russell Bly, Michael Bly & Aaron Bly


Throw The Devil Off The Train

Find Throw The Devil Off The Train and other Bly Book releases at

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Building A Family
novel by Lynn Cote


Lawyer Eleanor Washburn defends wayward teenagers and supervises volunteers for Habitat for Humanity without missing a beat. But she is unnerved by fascinating single dad Pete Beck -- especially since his chaotic life includes a little girl wishing for a mother. Sweet Cassie has Eleanor yearning for what's been missing from her lonely existence. Soon, both dad and daughter are chipping away at Eleanor's defenses. Can she find the courage to risk losing her heart to this ready-made family?

Lynn Cote’s
latest Love Inspired romance is set in a fictitious town near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, and the hodag makes its romantic debut in Building A Family. 

A hodag captured

Probably not. The hodag is the mascot of a town I live near in Wisconsin. According to Wikipedia: "The Hodag is a folkloric animal of the American state of Wisconsin. Its history is focused mainly around the city of Rhinelander in northern Wisconsin, where it was said to have been discovered."

A folkloric animal can be fun. And the fun started in 1893 when prankster Eugene Shepard announced the discovery and killing of the last hodag. And here's the photo to prove it!

Shepard wrote that: "It was "the fiercest, strangest, most frightening monster ever to set razor sharp claws on the earth. It became extinct after its main food source, all white bulldogs, became scarce in the area." Well, the white bulldogs probably gave a sigh of relief!! 

Anyway, the folks in Rhinelander have fun with their mascot or symbol, keeping the fun spirit of Shepard alive. Here's the statue of the hodag in front of the tourist center in Rhinelander.

Rhinelander sits just to the south of the northwoods or Lakeland area where I live. Within a 50 mile radius of my home are 2300 lakes. If you fly over this area, you see more water than land. That explains part of the area's allure. Most of Chicago and Milwaukee head north to escape the heat and humidity of summer. 

Do you have a mascot or symbol for your hometown? What is it?


Lynn Cote
When Lyn Cote became a mother, she gave up teaching, and while raising a son and a daughter, she began working on her first novel. Rejection followed. Finally in 1997, Lyn got "the call." Her first book, Never Alone, was chosen for the brand new Love Inspired romance line. Since then, Lyn has had over thirty-five novels published. 

In 2006 Lyn's book, Chloe, was a finalist for the RITA, and her book Her Patchwork Family and Her Healing Ways were finalists for the Carol Award in 2010 & 2011, two of the highest awards in romance. Lyn also features stories of strong women both from real life and true to life fiction on her blog Writing books at her lake cottage in northern Wisconsin, Lyn hopes her books show the power of divine and human love.

Lyn Cote
2011 ACFW Carol Winner for Her Healing Ways

For the latest Christian Fiction Market Update

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


by Janet Chester Bly

Discouragement. Depression.
There’s many causes ... emotional or mental, chemical or biological, hereditary or  spiritual. Each origin requires a separate remedy.
-- A trained, compatible counselor.
-- Truth to replace a false thought system.
-- Proper diet.
-- Helpful meds.
-- The right kind and length of exercise.
-- Correcting family fault patterns.
-- Right relationship with God.
-- Practicing spiritual disciplines.
-- Following spiritual principles.
-- Confession. Repentance. Deliverance from evil.

When you’re miserable and can’t cope in your fight for peace ... consider King David and his seasons of despair. Read all the Psalms. Or like I’ve been doing, listen to them on CDs, especially Psalm 42. Dig into this diary of distress over and over, until God’s love turns the light on again.

Pour out all your thoughts on paper or a computer screen.
Fill up a journal of where you are right now. Where you’ve been. And where you hope to be.

What to do if you’ve tried everything and there’s no other fix in sight? When the heaviness settles in and claims you as home? Persevere until relief comes. Call out to God for as long as he takes.

Perhaps he will send a buddy, a partner, a friend.

“Then God who cheers those who are discouraged refreshed us by the arrival of Titus” (2 Corinthians 7:6)

 What's been your best depression fighter?


Download "31 Ways To Win The Fight For Personal Peace" at

Saturday, October 08, 2011

DRAGONS OF THE WATCH, new novel by Donita Paul

Dragons of the Watch
New Novel by Donita K. Paul


The Chronicles of Chiril continue as Ellie and Bealomondore find themselves trapped in an isolated city guarded by dragons and separated from everything they know and love. 

How can they escape? 

Along the way they meet a group of wild children and a very old man, whose needs they must meet before they can find their way home. With the help of the dragons of the watch, they discover that their fate depends upon their ability to recognize and step in line with the Creator’s will.

Here’s where you can find this book:



About the Author:

Donita K. Paul
Donita K. Paul retired early from teaching school, but soon got bored! The result: a determination to start a new career. Now she is an award-winning novelist writing Christian Romance and Fantasy. She says, “I feel blessed to be doing what I like best.”

Mrs. Paul has also released a prairie romance, Taming the Wild Wind
Check out her website for details:

When's the last time you read a story about dragons?

Friday, September 30, 2011


Stephen Bly 2009
By Stephen Bly

Old-time cowboys would be surprised at today’s cattle business. In the 1800s, Texas longhorn steers were on their way out. The hard winters forced cattlemen to search for hardier breeds. Herefords and others replaced longhorns.

But longhorns have made a comeback. They’re considered a tough bunch that requires less care than newer breeds. They’re known to survive scruffy locations and produce leaner meat. Mossy-backed longhorns especially proved to be sturdy. They were afraid of nothing…except heel flies.

heel fly
That’s the worst season for cow raisers. In southern ranges heel flies arrive between mid-February and mid-April. Those tiny flies sting cattle in the tender part of the leg, just above the hoof, where they lay eggs. Heel flies can cause even tough old longhorns to scatter in panic … in search of water or bog holes to escape the torment.

Such tiny insects, yet they can drive cows wild.

Sometimes it’s the annoyances you can hardly see that give you the most trouble. Big troubles can grow from little specks. That’s true for spiritual well being too. The quicker you learn to recognize temptations and sins when they’re just pinpricks, the better off you’ll be (James 1:15 MSG).

Maybe if little sins hurt more, you’d do something about it in a big fat hurry. If you felt a painful sting every time you strayed away from God, maybe you’d stampede towards him sooner and more often. At least the longhorns always know when the heel flies are around.

What in your life works like a loving nip at the heels?  

Sometimes it’s the very thing that seems like an annoyance, a chronic harassment ... but yet God means this problem or person to prevent you future pain. To help you recognize trouble ahead … and fight against it.


COMING MARCH 2012: Stuart Brannon's Final Shot, by Stephen Bly with Janet Chester Bly, Russell Bly, Michael Bly & Aaron Bly

AVAILABLE NOW in hardback or E-Book:
Throw The Devil Off The Train
Throw The Devil Off The Train