Monday, December 10, 2012

6 Meanings of Immanuel "God With Us"

Stephen Bly in home office
Stephen Bly

Stephen Bly 


"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel which means "God With Us" (Matthew 1:23)

Life can be tough, confusing, scary. But if you have someone to come alongside and go through stuff with you, it's not as bad.

1.) God is not against you. 
     Romans 8:31-34

2.) You are not alone. 
     Hebrews 13:5

3.) You have instant help, if you'll only ask. 
     John 15:16

4.) You are where the action is. 
     Mark 2:45

5.) He is close in tough times. 
     Acts 7:55
6.) Everything will turn out for good in the end. 
     Revelation 21:4

Check out these links ....

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