Saturday, May 22, 2010


Janet Chester Bly


Maybe you’re over-committed, over-extended.

Say ‘no’ to something or someone. Discern what can be ignored, sidelined. Look for the nearest exit sign.

Resign from something—a committee, a board, a panel. Refuse to be pressured into taking on a duty you know is not for you. Like my husband is fond of saying, “If you’re sitting on a dead horse. . .get off.”

The Wish List“Walk out of a dull, pointless meeting—just get up and walk out” (Barbara Ann Kipfer, The Wish List).

Or refuse your own personal demands.

Does something hold you in its grip? It’s never enough, never satisfies, never brings deep, lasting peace, yet you feel compelled under a kind of addictive control? Anyone tempt you to lie and deceive? To do something behind closed doors, away from responsible, accountable persons? Anything that impairs your judgment? Hardens your conscience? Wounds your credibility? Keeps you at a distance from God?

“Say ‘no’ whenever you gracefully can. In doing so, you are saying ‘yes’ to those you love most” (Liz Curtis Higgs).

Perfect peace primes the heart and mind to tell yourself “No!” When you tend to eat too much, exercise too little. When you put off housework until it’s beyond hodgepodge. When you expect to get more done than is possible. When you ease the stress with unwise, unhealthy, even forbidden choices…as a sort of reward…because you work so hard.

Avoid the tendency to overdo. When your ‘to-do list’ seems a joke because you never complete it. Then stop making such a long one. Do only 3 most important actions today. Eliminate iffy urgency items. Remember: you don’t have to do everything now.

You can manage your restless search for meaning, purpose, and personal peace with a few simple steps.

“We’re being shown how to turn our backs on a godless, indulgent life, and how to take on a God-filled, God-honoring life” (Titus 2:12 MSG).

Get the full article, “31 Days to Win The Fight For Personal Peace,” as a free download at

Order Managing Your Restless Search by Janet Chester Bly at 


Carla Gade said...

Thanks, I needed this today!

David Meigs said...

Amen and AMEN!

Janet Bly said...

Carla and David: Thanks for stopping by and for your notes.

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